Dearest Winifred,
This morning I watched you sleep. (Yes, your mom is a creeper.) I was just too excited. I wanted to be the very 1st person to tell you Happy Birthday as soon as you opened your eyes. 1 year ago today was the best day I ever had because I got to meet you for the 1st time. 1 year ago today I was the very 1st person you saw when you opened your eyes for the very 1st time.
Sometimes my love for you scares me so much. But, don't worry. That is how I know that I did the right thing by bringing you into this wonderful world. You confirm this everyday by flashing that 1 dimpled smile at me. And, yes, I remember that 1st time I saw that smile, that 1st laugh. I am so lucky to be there for all your 1sts. I am so lucky to be your mom. You have changed me for the better and I thank you for that.
My 1 wish for you is to be happy. I look forward to many more 1sts. Life with you is such an adventure. I am grateful everyday for you.
Happy 1st birthday, my Winze Pea! I love you cherry much.
Here is a sneak from her Moonrise Kingdom themed birthday hullabaloo. Can't wait to share more.