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First loves

16 years ago I shot these two kids in love in a park somewhere in the San Fernando Valley.  16 years later these two kids are still in love and are celebrating their 9th wedding anniversary today!
Happy Anniversary Shannon and Jose!
Thank you for always being there for me.  Thank you for always welcoming me to your lovely home and cooking the best tacos ever.  Thank you for having the 2 sweetest girls, Maya and Morgan, to play Beatles Rock Band with.  Thanks for being one of my earlier guinea pigs models for when my passion for photography first started. I love you guys.
I shot the photo above with my old Ricoh KR-10 35mm SLR film camera.  I even developed the roll myself and made prints in the darkroom.  Aaaaahhh.  The good old days.  This was my first legit camera and I still use her to this day.
Cheers to first loves and everlasting relationships!


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Moustached 33rd birthday, Disneyland & other random Holga photos

Been carrying around these two 120 film rolls around with me for a few months.  They went through an x-ray machine and I opened up the back of my Holga more than once by accident.  Some didn't make it at all, some are more damaged than others and some completely surprised me.  Oh, the joys of Holga!

Shopping at Unique LA
Shot by Trevor M.
Following moustached shots are from my 33rd birthday party at Griffith Park
Supercute Stephens family
A & C crack me up
Polka Your Eyes Out
Do you have any Grey Poupon?
They will kick your ass
Mr Robynne
Following are from a trip to Disneyland
Most of these came out pretty crappy
Posting them anyway
It's a small Holga after all
New Orleans musician
Really bummed that this one didn't come out
Poison Apple
Big pickle
The Hammered Dulcimer
Last Electrical Parade before it left for Florida
World of Holga
Thanks for checking out my foray in to film!
PS Fellow film shooters!  Can anyone recommend a good scanner for negatives?  To develop and get a CD for one 120 roll it costs $16 a pop at my local lab.  Like, woah.

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